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Stop The Silence

Greetings Beautiful People!!!!!

I had a very candid conversation with a childhood friend of mines who shared her testimony with me last night about how she dealt with incest for almost 20 years of her life and she is over 50 now. Imagine my shock to know all this time in knowing her that this was happening to her. Although l knew something was wrong l didn't pray or dig deep enough to find out what was going on. Just busy with life hoping whatever it is that it would all work out. I questioned why didn't l ask if she was OK? Why didn't l check in more? My first point is this: We have no clue sometimes what people are dealing with and sometimes we need to ask our friends and love ones the hard questions. My second point is this: INCEST is a spirit. A filthy nasty one that needs to be uncovered, rebuked, and sent back to the pit of hell. And no matter how many family reunions, cookouts, and Sunday dinners we go to it want go away until someone speaks up. The truth is hurting people HURT people and these are generational curses that places its nasty claws on our lives and someone has to have the courage to say THIS STOPS HERE. And guess what it's happening in the most unexpected places. My friend has been in church ALL her life and the family member that did this to her was the Bishop. I am well aware that is not everyone's story but we shouldn't be blind to the fact that things are happening all around us and it takes DISCERNMENT to break some of this silence. If you or someone you know is dealing with this either as the perp or the victim it is time to seek help. No one has to suffer in silence. Blessings!!!!

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