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I had a dream this morning that really awakened my consciousness and spirit towards repentance. So bad that it woke me up abruptly. Therefore, I would like to share....

My bed started to shake, the thunderstorms outside increased, and l thought l was still sleeping so l turned over in the bed but as l turned over l turned over in hell. Yes, l said Hell. As l walked down a long black hallway l was accompanied by a little girl who had one side of her face burned. I asked her where l was and she said Hell. She took me by the hand and lead me into this door. As l stepped in l was walking in church. The music was playing, people were smiling, people were singing. I told her how could this be hell. This is church and everything looked perfect. She told me to LOOK AGAIN. She told me to look at the garments that people were wearing. And when l looked everyone's garments were dirty. People hair was dirty. People were down in their church seat doing drugs, cussing, committing ungodly sexual acts. But then l looked again as l kept walking and there were other people who didn't look dirty but their slip was hanging or bra straps were showing or maybe a piece of their boxers and it was filthy. The little girl holding my hand said these are the people who think their deeds are hidden. I got very sad in my vision. I started to cry. The little girl said don't cry she said because NOW is the time for judgment to start in the House of the Lord. As we started to walk out l then saw people smiling in church but looking at other people out the corner of their eye. Smiling but walking past people not speaking, smiling but choosing who they would be kind to and then walking out of the church with ao much pride they didn't even see the devil whispering in their ear making them believe their ungodly acts were true. We started to leave and go towards the door. And once the door open there was a pool of fire burning below. So hot that l had to step back. People started to leave church and walk right into that pool of fire. I yelled, l screamed for them to stop but no one heard me. It was then l heard the Lord say OUR houses MUST be clean. He said the only way to miss Hell is through true fellowship with Him and true Love for the brethren. It was so compelling that in the dream l fell on my knees and l cried out to the Lord asking him to save me from hell. He urged me to tell others. The time to repent is NOW, the time to walk holy is NOW, if you need to apologize to someone do it NOW. The clock is ticking. I woke out the dream gasping for breath. I immediately got on my knees to repent. I asked the Lord that whatever was in me that was wrong make it right. You see my desire is to please the Lord. And the bottom line is that is doesn't matter what we think and how we feel. If it doesn't line up with the WORD it is wrong. I urge you. I wholeheartedly urge you please right your wrongs. Even if you think that you haven't done anything to anyone there is something you can repent for. Self Righteousness and Pride is a sin as well. And in my dream people were walking out of church thinking they were alright but in reality they were on their way to hell to. So l ask if l have offended any of you, done anything, or said anything that was not pleasing to the LORD or if you felt l wronged you in any way l ask for your forgiveness. As a leader, l take first responsibility in righting my wrongs. God bless you tremendously. Lets make the Kingdom!!!

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