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Taking Back Control - A Transparent Moment...

As I strolled down memory lane I vividly remember my childhood, the beautiful summers, and the cold watermelon I would eat on the porch of my mommy's house with some newspaper. So many names come to mind as I chuckled at myself this morning over the amusing adolescent issues that I wearied my mother over. LOL.

Just to give you a thought of where I am coming from. I am in Augusta Georgia and the year is 19____ and I am 7 years old. :)

The names that come to mind are, “Big Jennifer & Althea!” Little girls who lived in what we called back then the Ghetto that would antagonize neighborhoods across town. Kids would literally run from them because they bullied everyone, stole their food, and beat them up often. I never had any trouble until one day I was walking home from the store (Mr. Ed’s). Mr. Ed’s sold big plank cookies for .25 cents and a soda pop for .50 cents. I was only allowed to go there once a month so this particular day was a treat for me. Little did I know Big Jennifer & Althea was walking behind me to steal my cookies!!! I kept walking until Althea stopped to ask me for my cookies and I said no. Scared? Yes! These girls was twice my size! Here I was with a soda and some cookies in my hand and shaking, lol.

Big Jennifer eased up on me and snatched the cookies out of my hand and Althea pushed me. This is the first time I had altercations with these girls... What was I going to do?

Now, I could have walked away...but after I was pushed to the ground I thought, “I can’t have anymore cookies for another month!” I quickly rose up and pushed back! Closed my eyes and I don’t know what I hit but when I opened my eyes they were walking away and shaking their heads. LOL!!!!! I picked up my soda and that bag of cookies and smiled. After that day I never had any more trouble out of them. As a matter of fact when they would see me they would speak and the rest is history. Little did I know standing up for myself would be a defining moment that would allow me to stand up for myself for the rest of my life.

What am I saying?

Are there any bullies in your life? Whose bothering you trying to take your cookies? By that I mean your joy, your peace, your sanity. TAKE BACK CONTROL. The Lord has given us the power to move forward in our life and His desire is that we THRIVE and not just exist in this world. You see had I not fought back I would have been like every other child in the neighborhood - scare and just living. But the moment I stood up for myself is the moment I realized who I was and what I possessed. Is it the devil that is bullying you? Rebuke him! Cast him out of your home, from your job, and out of your life. Don’t be a partial benefactor to where the Lord wants to take you. Stand up in the Holy Ghost and be counted.

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